Master Expressions Publications are currently accepting FICTIONAL ONLY manuscripts in the following genres:
Street/Urban:The plot shines a light on the harsh realities of life in the city, including hard subjects such as drug use, gangs, sex, poverty, and violence. Usually tells the story of life in the inner-city, generally with a gritty, dark tone.
Crime/Detective: About a crime, how the criminal gets caught and serves time, and the repercussions of the crime.
Historical: Story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting.
Mystery: Dealing with the solution of a crime or the revealing of secrets.
Realistic: Consisting of stories that could have actually occurred to people or animals in a believable setting. These stories resemble real life and fictional characters within these stories react similarly to real people.
Suspense/Thriller: about harm about to befall a person or group and the attempts made to evade the harm.
Teen/Young Adult: Written for readers from 12 to 18 years of age. Includes friendship, first love, relationships, and identity. Stories that focus on the specific challenges of youth or "coming of age" novels.
*All manuscripts submitted are assumed to be fiction created and written by the submitter.
Electronic Submission:
Copy & Paste Method- Fill in form below then copy and paste manuscript directly into the black space provided.
Email Attachment Method- MasterExpressionsPublications@gmail.com
enter "New Manuscript Submission" into the subject line.
Paper Submission By Mail:
Master Expressions
3 Germay Drive
Unit 4 #1654
Wilmington, DE 19804
*Note: No paper manuscript will be returned. In the case your manuscript is not selected we will immediately discard.
All you need to do is send three to five chapters or no more than 60 pages of your work. Include a cover letter and synopsis. No more than one page. Keep it brief but informative.
Your Manuscript should be formatted in Microsoft Word and can be submitted as a Word or PDF file. Line spacing 1.5 with font size between 10pt. - 12pt. font style Time New Roman.
All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page. A page number should be included at the bottom/middle of each page.
All/Any chapters should be divided by numbers in a consecutive fashion.
Manuscript should be checked for spelling and grammar prior to submission.
Cover page should include Authors name, email address, mailing address, phone number and any other contact information you would like for us to have. Please note; If manuscript is selected for publication and we are unable to make contact with the author, the submitted manuscript will be discarded.
Authors who have a conflict of interest or received financial support should disclose this support on the title page. If no conflict exist, please state "no conflict of interest is declared".
Include a brief synopsis of your story.
(No longer than one page)